Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Attitude Drives Actions - Actions Drives Results!

Attitude Drives Actions - Actions Drives Results!
Great Attitude=>Great Actions=>Great Results=>Great Lifestyle
If you want to lead a great life, you have to take great actions. The best way to prepare yourself to take great actions, is to practice having a great attitude. Say "YES" everyday
to prepare yourself for Victory!
Imagine every time you entered the dojo, you said "YES" I love my Martial Arts!
Every time you step on the said "YES" I love my Martial Arts!
Every time you finished said "YES" I love my Martial Arts!
You'd soon develop a habit that leads to becoming a highly conditioned Black Belt Champion.
Anything you do repeatedly becomes habit. Good or bad.
Black Belt Champions know that they must train their brain everyday.
This is why you must condition your attitude everyday for making it a great day.
"If you improve the way you look at things...the things you look at will also improve!
Think how much better you would be at everything you do, if you trained
yourself to have a great attitude toward life and learning...everyday!
Practice being more respectful, you become more respected.
Practice looking for the good in others, you begin to attract more of what you look for.
Practice smiling more and you will see more people smiling back.
Here are some Black Belt Attitude Tips for daily development of a positive attitude:
<> Wake up everyday and say "YES" today is a great day!
<> Be the first to offer praise and compliment.
<> Always look for the good in yourself and others.
<> Think of what you DO want in life, not what you DON'T!
<> Always be happy and grateful for what you DO have.
<> Never unhappy and ungrateful with what you DON'T have.
Many people start Martial Arts with fitness being one of their primary reasons.
The same is true with people joining a gym. The challenge is that some people think that
just becoming a student of the Martial Arts or being a member of a gym, is going to make them healthy and fit.
Being a student of the Martial Arts doesn't guarantee that you'll become and stay healthy and fit, any more than joining a gym does. Daily actions and habits are the key determining
factors of our health and fitness. What you do outside of the dojo counts just as much as
what you do inside the dojo.  
Getting healthy and fit...staying healthy and fit...should be a lifetime goal for all of us.
Why is this such an important goal?
Because the lack of good health is costing all of us. Not just dollars, but productivity and
the self esteem of the next generation of kids that are growing up in a time that obesity is
growing at an alarming pace. The numbers are downright scary.
Nearly 30% of all adults are obese and 65% are overweight at a level that is considered unhealthy. Statistics for children is similar and growing at an even more aggressive rate.
Simply being overweight, let alone obese, increases the likelihood of a variety of health issues. High blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, asthma, diabetes and some cancers.
That's not even talking about the stress and inefficiency it causes.
For the first time in history, the youngest generation of kids growing up in America are
now expected to live shorter lives than their parents. And this is happening at a time that
medical technology and information is at an all time peak.
Poor health habits and obesity is causing financial challenges for many families and it is
leading to premature death in thousands of people that could live longer, healthier and
more productive lives in our society.

Part of the challenge is denial. Many people that are obese and/or at an unhealthy weight
are not willing to face their challenge. They simply ignore the facts and accept themselves
as being big boned or a large person. Or, like a cigarette smoker, they are surrounded by
others that are in the same level of poor health. Which makes it somehow seem okay.
So what can WE do about it? What can YOU do about it? What can I do about it?
We can start by staying focused on our own health and fitness.
We can be a Model of Excellence in health and fitness.
We can do our best to educate, inspire and influence others.
The best way to lead is always by example...
Can you think of a better area to be a Model of Excellence? 
The next few weeks I'll be focusing on this subject and offering some healthy and fit tips
that have allowed me to lead a very healthy and fit lifestyle that is filled with an abundance
of energy and peak performance on a daily basis.
Health and Fitness Tip #1
How do you do this? By starting each day with a healthy and balanced breakfast and
planning out your meals for the rest of the day. Putting the right fuel in your tank will
give you the energy for excellence that will allow you to train hard, work hard and enjoy
the rewards of your success.
Many years ago, I learned this valuable lesson. It inspired me to develop the habit of
starting my day with a breakfast of six egg whites, waffles or toast and then I'm usually
off to the gym or dojo for a workout. What a great way to start each day.  
Start your Day in a Healthy and Fit Way.
I hope your training is going well and that your staying focused on becoming better in
overall your skills, conditioning and ability to live everyday as the best Black Belt Champion you can be.
Train Hard...Live with Energy, Passion and Purpose!

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